I got this Yamaha F335 for $100, WITH a hardshell case, and not a pasteboard hardshell either. Don't you love this photo of it next to the 3/4 size? It's like a baby guitar and its mommy.
I'm a little less excited than I was originally, because the girl I bought it from gave me the wrong model number. How the hell she did this, I've no idea; it's IN the guitar, for god's sake. So I ended up with a laminate top dreadnought instead of the solid top folk size I thought I was getting, which displeases me quite a bit now that I'm home. When I was playing it, I thought it must be a large folk, but now I think it's a slightly shallow dreadnought. Like I can tell the difference offhand. I'm surprised that I didn't find it more awkward than I did.
Regardless, it's well made and sounds good. Oddly enough, I must have been looking up this model for another ad, because I had read the reviews before, and they're all raves. I'm satisfied. Would NOT be happy if I had paid $100 for the guitar only, but with a case, it's well worth it.
She may have given me the wrong model number out of malice aforethought. Or she may have had no clue. Consider this exchange:
Me: "Uh... have you ever changed the strings?"
She: "Honestly? Um. No, never. I'm pretty sure."
Yup. Explains the little brown spots on them.
ETA: I've never seen such strings, except maybe on my brother's Soviet mandolin. When I say "little brown spots," I mean darker little spots on the completely corroded string length. Restrung with light gauge Martins, letting them stretch. I did a marginally less crappy job than last time; you can probably tell which order I did the strings in, because the first one has maybe one turn around the tuner and the last few have a respectable number, as I finally learned to leave enough slack.
My apartment looks like a musical instrument shop had a birthday and then threw up on it. I am cleaning up the detritus and going to bed.
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