Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dvorak > Hammerstein

Still in C major, but no longer "Edelweiss": I have just suffered through the New World largo in several different octaves, that is different locations on the fretboard. Still... determined... to... learn where the damn notes are.

Oh, and when I say suffered, I really mean suffered, because I also fingerpicked (a bit, in a beginner way). I decided that it just looks so cool, and it has a very different sound. I like. Must learn.


  1. You'll appreciate this. Made myself an iced latte this morning, but dropped the (glass) measuring cup while rinsing it out, shattering a piece & slicing my left pinky. It immediately starts bleeding & wash it up & apply a band-aid. Now that I take it off & look at it, I can see that the cut starts about 1/8" below my callus, goes right up to it, then stops.

    Play guitar for safety.

  2. Ow. Yay for skin that is already dead.

  3. hey Heidi, for really easy songs to rock out to I recommend the Decemberists and Wilco. Enjoy!

  4. Thank god, because I hate to say it, but I'm getting sick of Aerosmith. It's like eating candy. Fun while you do it, but too much and you feel sick afterwards.
