Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Already in trouble

Bought a guitar. Broke a string.

It was my fault. I was tuning pitched waaay too high. Broke the high E. Another trot down to Guitar Works tomorrow. David told me not to be such a Sound of Music wuss and restring it myself.

Very traumatic, dropping the baby right after bringing it home.


  1. You tried to go an octave too high? Or were there problems with the action? These were the strings the guitar came with, right?

    If you need a new string I'd advise just getting a new set. I'll be up there tomorrow & can help string it. Can Gary come?

  2. I was trying to tune by ear. What was I thinking? I don't have perfect pitch.

    Gary is welcome.

  3. Ok--I'll have to call you in the next few days to say "hi" (am in collapse mode after semester).... I did the same thing, when I bought the impulse guitar I still can't play. Tuned too high, broke string.

    I've concluded I need to get mine restrung lefty because it just feels unnatural turned the normal way, even though I was all "oh, you fret with your left hand, what's the big deal?"

  4. Well, if I come to visit you soon, I can restring it for you.
