Sunday, June 7, 2009

My first time

This morning, I played a guitar for the first time.

It was my friend's steel-stringed Yamaha acoustic, which was temptingly sitting against the wall next to the coffeetable with a pick tucked into its strings. Plunk. I found this great guide to guitar notes on my netbook and proceeded to plunk away till my friend got back from the gym and gave me the mnemonic for the strings, "Easter Bunnies Get Drunk At Easter."

By the evening, he'd decided that I needed to try some chords. It wasn't pretty, but I got to mess around with his electric. The night ended with me playing the bass line to "Under Pressure" with a delighted grin on my face the whole time. It wasn't pretty... but it felt awesome.


  1. Um, you want to be VERY careful titling a blog entry "My first time." You might get unwanted attention.

  2. It was an intended pun... but fair enough.
